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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《西风颂介绍》,欢迎阅读!





Shmoop的不能说谎:关心雪莱可能很难。他可能是最困难的浪漫诗人爱上。幸运的是,他不是最困难的诗人。他的爱,但不是硬的了解。我们在谈论什么?好了,你可能已经听到有人,像一个英语老师,好的诗歌具有一定的特点:它是具体 的而不是抽象的,而不是一般的详细,它的内脏,而不是精神。基本上,我们认为,作为一个好诗这些天是不是一个抽象的突发奇想,你会得到的新柏拉图主义,头在这方面的云雪莱。这并不是说雪莱不使用详细的图像或强大的语言,因为他的话。如果你写了,我在人生的荆棘,我流血了! 不过,今天在一首诗中,并派出了一个著名的纽约客等杂志,其诗歌编辑器会笑的这么辛苦,他们希望他们的鼻子喷双杆卡布奇诺。这就是,如果他们没有认识到它作为雪莱,我们希望他们。总之,重点是,它是很难得到什么雪莱这个人生的荆棘的东西。生活是艰难的,而且越来越给他,他的诗扬声器的感叹。好,但它很难理解,为什么我们应该关心的诗人谁可以这样耸人听闻的。这里的东西雪莱的闹剧,虽然它发生,因为他敢说真话,所有的时间。如果他觉得他的生活渐行渐远,他的想法很臭,他会告诉你。如果他担心的是他的诗的哲学是不是有效果,他希望,他会承认这一点。如果他觉得,像活着是类似于竖起所有的细小尖锐的东西和你的生命线慢慢地渗出各地,以及,他会告诉你这件事情。他的激情在表面上是正确的。他认为,没有一点拐弯抹角。他不会假装。比任何其他诗人,雪莱会扔你到他的情感的深度,让您下沉或游泳。我们有一个特别的尊重那种诚实和强度。不幸的是,雪莱的坦率,他的感情是不是在为我们今天在我们的超级具有讽刺意味的世界。有时候,雪莱,好像他有没有幽默感。这是我们甚至说,我在人生的荆棘! 着脸。幸运的是,雪莱不只是告诉我们他的感受。他连自己的感情哲学和社会问题,并试图了解他们在全球范围内。当然,这可能是有点以自我为中心-从字面上-但它的方式更有趣情绪中心。雪莱平衡自己的情绪强度注意的宏伟扫描的性质,理念,和其他一切。我们知道谁做的这么好,所以坐下来,享受你搞清楚它是如何工作的,他是唯一的诗人

Ode to the West Wind

In A Nutshell

Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote "Ode to the West Wind" in 1819 while living in Florence, Italy. To be exact, when he published the poem with his unperformable play Prometheus

Unbound in 1820, he claimed in a footnote to have written "Ode to the West Wind" while sitting in the woods near the Arno River on a windy day in October. Lucky man, we say, but although he loved Italy, he was feeling depressed about being detached from the

political and social scene back in his native England. Many critics have suggested that this poem relates to that sense of powerlessness.

As a political, religious, and literary radical, Shelley was heavily invested in his own ability to influence society. Some poets need solitude and privacy and a retreat in the woods to do their best work, but Shelley needed stimulating arguments and social action. "Ode to the West Wind" is one of the poems in which he considers the role and power of the poet or philosopher to spread new ideas and effect change. It’s also, though you might find this difficult to believe, one of Shelley’s more accessible poems. Its brevity, smooth tone, and straightforward use of natural imagery present his abstract ideas about philosophy and poetry in a compact way. Think of it as Shelley’s own summary of himself – or at least one aspect of himself.

Why Should I Care?

Shmoop cannot tell a lie: caring about Percy Bysshe Shelley can be hard. He’s probably the most difficult of the Romantic poets to fall in love with. Luckily, he’s not the most difficult poet. He’s hard to love, but not too hard to understand.

What are we talking about? Well, you may have heard from someone, like an English teacher, that good poetry has certain characteristics: it’s concrete instead of abstract; it’s detailed instead of general; it’s visceral instead of spiritual. Basically, what we think of as a "good poem" these days just isn’t one of the abstract flights of fancy that you tend to get from the neo-Platonic, head-in-the-clouds Percy Bysshe Shelley.

It’s not that Shelley doesn’t use detailed imagery or powerful language, because he does. If you wrote, "I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!" in a poem today, though, and sent it off to a prestigious magazine like The New Yorker, its poetry editors would laugh so hard they’d spray double-shot cappuccino out their noses. That’s if they didn’t recognize it as Shelley, which we hope they would. Anyway, the point is that it’s not hard to get what Shelley means with this "thorns of life" stuff. Life’s tough, and it’s getting to him, and the speaker of his poem is exclaiming about it. But it’s hard to understand, well, why we should care about a poet who can be so melodramatic.

Here’s the thing about Shelley’s "melodrama," though: it happens because he’s brutally honest all the time. If he feels like his life is fading away and his ideas stink, he’ll tell you. If

