最新渔家傲 李清照字词翻译教学文稿

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渔家傲 宋·李清照





帝所:天帝居住的地方。 语:天帝的话语。



我报路长嗟日暮:路长,隐用屈原《离骚》“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”之意。日暮:隐用屈原《离骚》“欲少留此灵琐兮,日忽忽其将暮”之意。嗟:慨叹。 谩:徒,空。



鹏:古代神话传说中的大鸟。 蓬舟:像蓬蒿一样的小船。 吹取:吹到。




Unit 1 Body Language

I. Language Points and Structure Reading 1. look up

a) raise the eyes 仰视;抬头看

eg: Look up and there is a bird in the tree. 抬头看,树上有鸟。 b) look sth up 查找

eg: If you don’t know the meaning of the word, please look up in the dictionary. 若不知单词的意思,请查字典。

look sth. up in…= consult/ refer to… for sth. 2. glance at 匆匆看一眼

glance n. take a glance at= glance at at first glance=at first sight 乍一看 eg: He fell in love with her at first glance/sight. 他与她初次见面就爱上了她。 (at 表示目的,方向 look at/ stare at/ aim at/ shoot at/ shout at sb.) stare at 盯着……看(惊奇,傲慢,茫然,有不礼貌的感觉) glance at 扫一眼(强调动作的短暂) gaze at 凝视(因为吃惊,羡慕,入迷)

glare at 怒目而视(凶狠而且带有威胁性的瞪眼睛,生气) 3. greet sb. cheerfully 高兴地和某人打招呼问候 greeting n. 问候之词;致以问候 C

eg: Please give my greeting to your mother when you come home. 你回家时请代我问候你母亲

cheerfully ad.=happily cheerful a.

eg: He was wearing a cheerful smile when he heard the good news. 当他听到这个好消息时,他面呈悦色

cheer v. cheer sb. up 鼓舞,安慰/ 高兴起来

eg: Cheer up! The news isn’t too bad. 振作吧!此消息没那么坏。 4. take …over to … 把东西(人)从一地带至另一地

eg: Mr. White took me over to the island in his car.怀特先生用车把我带到了那个岛。 take sth. over (from) sb. 接管;接受

eg: When Mr. Green retired, his son took over the business from him. 格林先生退休时,他儿子从他手上接管了生意。 5. prefer A to B

prefer doing A to doing B 宁愿做A 而不做B =prefer to do A rather than do B =would rather do A than do B

eg: He prefer going out to staying here.

=He prefer to go out rather than stay here. = He would rather go out than stay here. 他宁可外出也不愿意呆在这里。 6. communicate v. 交流

1) communicate with sb. 交流

eg: We must learn English well so as to communicate with people from many parts of the world. 我们必须学好英语,以便与来自世界各地的人们交流。 2) communicate sth. to …=pass on to… 传给

eg: The officer communicated his orders to the men by radio. 军官通过无线通讯向

