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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《愚蠢用英语怎么说》,欢迎阅读!




[ˈstju:pid] [ˈstupɪd, ˈstju-] foolish

[ˈfu:liʃ] [ˈfulɪʃ] silly

[ˈsili] [ˈsɪli]

ridiculous, silly, absurd这组词都有“愚蠢,可笑”的意思,其区别是:

1ridiculous a..唐可笑的,指因为愚昧无知而令人发笑并成为笑柄,含有蔑视成分。

It is ridiculous to judge a foreign culture only by its food.仅根据一个国家的饮食来评价该国家的文化是荒.唐可笑的。

2silly a.愚蠢的,傻的,指由于单纯或者头脑简单而显得愚蠢。 a silly little boy傻小子

3absurd a.荒谬的,可笑的,指因不符合常识、违反真理或不合逻辑而令人发笑。

There was an absurd idea that the earth was flat and motionless.过去曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球呈扁平状而且静止不动。

1. I don't see the point in it really. It's just stupid. 我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。 2. I shall have words with these stupid friends of mine! 我真应该跟我这些愚蠢的朋友理论理论!

3. Any action on the basis of such fragmentary evidence

would be foolish.


4. Do women really share such stupid jokes? We suspect not. 女人们真的会觉得如此愚蠢的笑话好笑吗?我们想不会。 5. I am rather chary of making too many idiotic mistakes. 我小心翼翼避免犯太多的愚蠢错误。

6. She looked round to make sure there was no giggling or silliness.

她环顾四周以确定没有人咯咯傻笑或做任何愚蠢的行为。 7. It is a silly idea and he has botched it. 这是个愚蠢的想法,他已经把事情弄糟了。

8. He had been granted his own TV show by some demented executive.

某个愚蠢的主管已经批准他自己来做一个电视节目。 9. Is it love of publicity or plain stupidity on her part? 她是喜欢抛头露面,还是太过愚蠢了呢?

10. It was stupid, just vandalism for the hell of it. 只是为了好玩而破坏公物是很愚蠢的行为。

11. Your father wouldn't have asked such a stupid question. 你父亲不会问这么愚蠢的问题。

12. "Silly little boy" was his favourite expression of rebuke to his pupils.

“愚蠢的小家伙”是他最常用的斥责其学生的言辞。 13. I feel how foolish I am to entertain doubts. 我竟然心存怀疑,真是太愚蠢了。

14. See how stupidly they kow-tow to persons higher in the hierarchy.


15. The evidence is blurred by central banks' reluctance to reveal their blunders.

