
2022-04-15 21:39:24   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《查尔斯兰姆》,欢迎阅读!

If anyone had a justified complaint about the vagaries of a fickle fate, it was surely Charles Lamb. As a child he had a stammer that he retained for life. He was unable to complete a formal education though he attained a high level of self-education. He was himself a victim of mental instability and was confined to a sanatorium for several months. His beloved sister Mary (the Bridget of his essays) also suffered from insanity. During one of her fits, she killed her mother and seriously wounded her father. Charles spent the remainder of his life caring for her, sacrificing forever the normal hopes and aspirations of a wife and children. Charles Lamb was not the sort of man to permit his misfortunes to weigh him down. Instead, he used them as a literary inspiration to produce some of the finest personal essays in the English language.

For him, the key to a bearable present was a link to the past. It was only in the past, that he could find solace even if a vicarious one that permitted him to tinker with a reality that seemed so grossly unfair to present an alternate one that was eminently more sustainable. In "Dream Children" he could write of a dream in which he could erase a lifetime of hurt and isolation and find the company of children that might have been his. It is almost as if he used his pen as a therapist to make more bearable a lifetime of pain about which he dared not publically complain. In "Old China" he describes an upper class lifestyle that is replete with the very material advantages that he could never possess. Lamb loved books, paintings, and old china, all of which he wrote of as if he truly possessed them in abundance. Along with his musings about his penurious past, he contemplates with perceptive insight the widespread paradox that those who have struggled mightily to amass a fortune discover to their dismay that money by itself does not buy happiness. It is only through a childish appreciation of the wonder of youth that makes poverty not only bearable but later to be seen as an integral part of the process of maturation that he can see but Bridget cannot. In "A Dissertation upon Roast Pig," Lamb hearkens back to a never-never land in China where fire cooked food is unknown. His use of archaisms and subtle whimsy invests a seemingly incredible tale of brain dead residents with just enough verisimilitude to punctuate his thesis that there is often a huge gap in the learning process where one attempts to separate cause from effect. In "The Two Races of Men," he approaches the willingness of people to be bamboozled by con men who use their personal charm and glibness to separate them from their money. It is difficult to imagine lenders who are so willing to line up merely for the privilege of emptying their pockets to borrowers like Bigod (by God?). In "Christ's Hospital," Lamb attempts to place a happy face on a period of time that was particularly trying for him, the time that he spent in school as a youth when he was mistreated. In this process of rewriting history, he felt it necessary to invest this past with a modicum of happy memories. History does not record whether this particular attempt to revise the past to recreate an ending more suitable was both accurate and justified.

It was Charles Lamb's desire to look to the past almost as if this past were not a

fixed thing but one that was infinitely malleable. He felt more comfortable addressing an audience of readers whom he perceived as friends rather than worshipful acolytes, hence his consistent use of wonder and whimsy. In some of his essays he was more successful than in others but in all of them his need to speak in a leisurely fashion with goodness and cheer invests them with a sense of ease that is as inviting today as it was in Lamb's day.






英国作家查尔斯·兰姆(Charles Lamb)生平简介


