
2022-08-23 13:08:20   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《雅思听力真题V61》,欢迎阅读!

混合版本section1=v33(1) section2=v33(2) section3=v41(3) section4=v39(4) section1=v33-1

room number答案给的是17a,我想我没有听见a

答案第二个empty for应该是2weeks,不是5weeks-肯定!

电话号码不知道是不是我听错了,反正我听的是889705,答案给的889745 其他答案一致,租金是$400,不要忘记写$ 雇佣的清洁工是$25,记得写$啊! 另外就是water heater, fridge lock all windows play music landlady


首先目的是选b-education and research 填地图的

1forest area,area已经给出,只写forest就是了,记住forest一定要大写!

2是养鱼的地方,答案给的是rare fish farms,我想应该是对的,可惜我没有听到rare,记住大写还有farms是复数!

3是填market garden,这个答案不确定,但是我确定

剩下的就是选择了,第一个题是陷阱!说的是什么时候开(most of the year),但是题目问的是什么时候不开,应该选很少一段时间不开,我差点上当!还好还好

有什么动物,选goats and hens

现在这个季节看到什么景象?我选的是bloom of flowers-不确定 还问把稀有动物放在这里是干什么,答案是为了繁殖!breeding

能买到的纪念品选2个,一个什么好吃的已经给了,剩下的两个我选的books of animal, 还有一个忘了 section3=v41-3 1是选discussion

2bewteen new cars and old cars.

3这个我听的跟答案有出入,答案给的是some students,但是文章中反复两次出现majority are students,所以我确定选b-mainly students 4选两个什么因素,选good streeing, seat belts

52000,前面说的发了2500问卷,但是收回了2000份,是80% 接下来是填空,

女的说大家买旧车是考虑price and ,这个我没有听出来,答案给的是environment suits

男的说是因为旧车是classical fashion, 开起来很cool,但是题目问的是因为旧车很什么,我开始填的fashion,但是后来还是改成了fashionable,因为fashion是名词,不符合题意。 最后一个是safety section4=v39-4

1选择,问为什么把剪羊毛和足球相比,因为都是职业的。选c 2忘了

3是说收入,unattractive, 4是高手难找,hard to find

翻页,很难拿到签证visas,千万不要忘了s!复数! 后面一个develop diseases也是复数!忘了s就错了!

后面记得还有40025%an hour(是an不是a啊!)写one hour也可以!最后一个是two minutes.

------------------------------------------------ section 1


填的空好象是empty for____2 weeks,

switch on 1:wood heater,2 :fridge,rent___400

appartment no.maybe 78(iam not sure),phone no.(forget) if you have more problems call___landlady(maybe) setion1,讲述一女生向一男生交代accomadation情况. 1)address no.--17a 2)__weeks--5 weeks 3)rent: $__/week

1) the price of hiring a cleaning maid :$__ 2) landlady's tel. no.__

6).7)switch on__,__ (2electrics)--water heater and refrigerator

8).9)2 rules: must_before go outside--lock all windows; must not__after midnigh--play musict10),call__(name) for further info.--mr roche 以上空格内容比较清楚,单词也很简单.

passage1:搬家。女的要搬出来,男的要搬进去。注意听房租、电话号码、所要遵循的房屋规则:lock windows等,记不清了。 section 1

1, address: 17a

2. empty for: two weeks 3. clean women price: $(25) 4. rent: $(400)

5. telephone number: 889745

6. switch on: (water heater) and (fridge)

7. rules:must: close all windows/lock all the window 8. must not: (play music) at midnight 9. want more details call: landlady section 2

section2:zoo structure,选择,填图,选择(好象4),一道多选. ask you this zoo use for what?(research or study or for public), then a map,1___forest area,2.___rare fish3____market garden. then choice,

1. 实验期关园多久 全年?little time ?

2. by what transportation you can tour all the zoo.by tram,bicyle,walking (他讲的快,所以只在下面tick will be ok and save time.)

3. what animals in it?goats hens ?(forget,so not sure) 4. 4why animals feed here? for breeding (not sure) finally,miltiple choice,

ask you what you can do in reception desk?(two answer chosed)buy booking about animals ,about zoo,about others?soft toys?(i am not sure about my answer.so can not give them to confuse you) 雅思听力真题V61

