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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《出去的英文怎么写》,欢迎阅读!


出去的英文我们都知道有go out;get out等词组,出去的英文也是我们日常生活中经常会使用的口语。下面是店铺为你整理的出去的英文,希望大家喜欢! 出去的英文

go out; get out go out的造句

1. I'm very much a loner I never go out. 我这人非常孤僻,从不出门。

2. Although they're expensive, they last forever and never go out of style.


3. When we go out, girls are always giving me the evil eye. 我们出去时,女孩子们总是用忌妒的眼神看着我。

4. He has expressly forbidden her to go out on her own. 他已经明确禁止她独自外出。

5. How could she tell beforehand that I was going to go out? 她怎么会事先知道我要出去?

6. Take a well-earned rest and go out and enjoy yourself. 你理应休息一下,出去好好玩玩。

7. They would go out on his route and check him. 他们会到他那里走访一下,看看他的情况。

8. How can you go out with her? She's a real dog. 你怎么能和她谈恋爱呢?她简直就是个恐龙。

9. Go out of your way to mingle with others at the wedding. 去跟婚礼上的其他人聊聊。 10. Let's go out to eat. 我们出去吃吧。

get out的常见例句

1. He's pissed. Let's get out of his way before he starts spewing.

他很恼火。趁他还没有发作,我们赶快离他远点儿。 2. He must have come inside to get out of the cold. 他肯定是进来避寒的。

3. Yesterday, the message to him was unequivocal: "Get out." 昨天,给他的信息很明确:“滚开。”

4. How can I accumulate enough cash to get out of debt? 我怎么才能攒足钱还清债务呢?

5. If you don't get out I'll call the police. Do you hear? 如果你不出去,我就要报警了。听见没有?

6. Beneath the sentimental psychobabble, there's a likeable movie trying to get out.


7. I was screaming at them to get out of my house. 我尖叫着让他们离开我的家。

8. Tsvetayeva was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.


9. "What do you want!" she whispered savagely. "Get out." “你想干什么!”她粗野地低语道,“滚开。”

10. It's amazing what people will do to get out of paying taxes.


