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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《张骞出使西域》,欢迎阅读!


In Han Dynasty, the Huns often invaded frontier. They killed many people, robbed property and destroyed the buildings. Emperor Han Wu was very angry. He planned to build a relationship with the countries in western countries and deal with the Huns together. But it is a long and hard way from Da Han to western countries. As last, Zhan Qian volunteered to be the ambassador and explored a way to western region. That is the famous Silk Road.

早朝,年轻的汉武帝听众臣禀报国事,得知边塞被匈奴侵占,损失人口、牲畜无数,守镇将士全部遇难,匈奴在抢掠了妇女和财物后放火屠城,该城已变成焦土废墟。汉武帝震惊愤怒,向大臣问策。威风凛凛的将军卫青愿再次领精兵北伐,但是根据以往情况,匈奴疆土广阔,败能逃,难聚歼。有大臣献策,被匈奴击败西迁的月氏国已在西域立下根基,闻月氏女王与匈奴有仇,谓不懂戴天。若与之结盟,使匈奴南侵有忧,汉可得安宁。武帝闻言喜,但路途凶险,便出御诏,招智勇忠义之士,最后张骞自告奋勇出使西域,丝绸之路就此展开。 旁白:

Scene I 第一幕

Characters: the emperor Han Wu, minister, General Wei Qing2 soldiers 人物:汉武帝、 大臣、 卫青、士兵 Place: palace 地点:皇宫

Time: morning meeting 时间:早朝

武帝:Is there anything to report today?

大臣: Yes, Your Majesty , it is reported that the Huns have invaded China. The City of Ningan(宁安城) was destroyed, a lot of cattle and sheep were robbed and many people were killed. 武帝:Aaaa,really? What is the latest news? (士兵上场,跪下,报告)

士兵AYour Majesty, we have to act quickly! The town of Qingshi(青石镇)was looted yesterday. 武帝:How about our army?

士兵B: All the soldiers died . After taking away the women and property, the Huns set a big fire and the city has become the hell on earth! It is so cruel!

武帝: No ! The Huns are devils! We married so many princesses to them, they killed so many people of our country. Gossip must be silenced and traitors must be punished. Do you not agree? (又惊又怒) 大臣:Yes, of course.

武帝:But how could we deal with them? What should we do?

卫青: As the general, I, We iQing would like to lead the army to wipe out the enemies. We must send the

enemies packing with their tails between their legs.

武帝: Yes, Weiqings name is as strong as a tower. But as we know, the Huns are good at riding horses, and they live on the grasslands which is so vast, whenever our troops comes, they will run away. It cost us so much money and time, but we still can not wipe them out.

大臣: I have an idea. It is said there is a country named Yueshi in western region. The Huns is located just between Yueshi and our country. The Huns once had a war with Yueshi, moreover, they killed the queens husband and her father. So she must have a feeling of hatred. If we can make friends with her, we can help each other.

武帝: Good idea! And if when the Huns want to fight with us, they are going to worry about Yueshi. But who can be the ambassador?

大臣:You can put on proclamation to recruit able men in our country. 旁白:

Scene II第二幕


人物:汉武帝、 大臣、 张骞 Place: palace 地点:皇宫

Time: morning meeting 时间:早朝

大臣: This is the person who volunteered for the western region, your Majesty. 武帝: Whats your name? 张骞: My name is Zhang Qian.

武帝: Why would you like to be the ambassador?

张骞:I dont want our people to be killed by the Huns. If we can build a relationship with the countries in western region, we can make trade with them. give me the spare, we will have them running backs, scared for their lives.

武帝: Excellent! There must be many magic things there! But you seem not so strong. Do you know Kongfu?

张骞:I dont know Kongfu, but I think that a real man doesnt have to have a strong body to be descried as a tower of strength-he just has to be confident, reliable, trustworthy, dependable and good in a crisis . 大臣: Wonderful! But there is no way to the western region. And nobody has been there before. 张骞 I believe where there is a will, there is a way.

武帝: I think you are just the one we are looking for. (喜笑颜开) Narrator:

