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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《八年级英语下册Unit5FeelingexcitedTopic2I’mfeelingbetternowSectionB学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版》,欢迎阅读!

Unit5 Topic2 SectionB



2.我能在老师的引导下自学课文,通过合作交流,解决学案上老师设计的问题。 【自主先学】


fail______ feeling_______joke_______someone_______ fail the English exam______________ at one’s age_____________ tell jokes____________ make friends with___________________ 二、先听1b的录音,勾出表格中Li Hong的问题及Miss Wang提出的建议,然后大声朗读1a的对话,核对一下自己做的是否正确。

三、与你的同伴一起分角色朗读1a的对话,划出对话中有关问题与建议的关键词语。 【课堂导学】

学习任务一 1.1a完成1b 2.再听1a,回答下列问

1How is she feeling today? Why? ______________________________________________ 2What did Miss Wang do for her? ______________________________________________ 3What suggestions did Miss Wang give her?________________________________________ 4How does she feel now?_____________________________________________________ 3.仔细阅读1a,完成1c。利用1c复述1a 学习任务二

1.听对话录音。完成2a的填空。 2.朗读3b,边听边模仿读音。 3.翻译短语

英语考试不及格_____________和谁谈论有关什么的事情____________有这些感受_______ 在你这年龄_________________---交朋友(两种表达)__ ___________ 讲笑话___________________使我高兴___________________她似乎很喜欢我。___________

好了,好了!_______________我现在感觉好多了。__________考试及格_________________帮助李红学习______________想念家人_____________经常打电话给你的父母___________________________找到他人交_______________顺便问一下______ 【小组议学】


1.advice建议不可数名词/advise sb to do/advise sb not to do建议某人做某事,建议某人不要做某事, 2.there .there好啦,好啦。(安慰别人) 3.be sure of/be sure to do/be sure that 4.it’s normal to do sth做某事很正常 5.have difficulty in doing sth 6.call sb at+电话号码

7.fail to do /fail the exam

8.experience经历(可数)经验(不可数) .学生归纳整理——重要句型:

1. I don’t know how to talk with others about it. 2.I’m sure she would like to be your friend. 【交流展示】

根据2b的要求和表格中提供的信息,各小组讨论并记录如何帮助Tom,最后整理成一篇短文,派代表在大班展示。 【当堂检测】


1.I’m sure ___(win) the exam

2.He has many___(experience)to walk through the forest alone 3.He advises me ___(run)fast..

4. How are you____________________ (feel) today 5.Why don’t you ______________ ( talk) to others. 6.I don’t know how ___________( talk ) with others. 7. Don’t worry, I’m feeling __________ ( good ) now. 8. I have the same feeling at __________ ( you ) age. 二、单项选择。

( ) 1. Why does Jane feel so upset? She failed the exam and she has no friends ____. A.to talk B. talking with C. to talk with

( ) 2. Everyone gets these feelings ____ your age. A. at B. about C. on

( ) 3. Mr. Li makes me ____, because it is bad for my health.

A. don’t smoke

B. not smoke

C. not smoking

( ) 4. She seems ____ me.

A. likes B. to like C. like ( ) 5. I don’t want to my study, so I must study hard.

A. fail to B. failed in C. fail in


5.你今天觉得怎样?_________________________________________________________. 6.让我给你讲个笑话吧。____________________________________________________. 反思小结:1.本课我们学习在生活和学习中遇到问题该如何解决。所涉及的重点词汇有fail,feeling,________________________等。

2.需要掌握的建议的句型有You’d better…,______________________等。通过本课学习,我学会了用英____________________________.


