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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《汉英翻译实践第三讲》,欢迎阅读!

6 (Lesson 6)

I. 原文(Source Text)





每年农历五月二十四日至二十七日,几十个村寨相继举行龙船节。当地习惯,从十六日开始,只要全寨薅完秧,本寨的龙船便可下水。因此,从龙船下水的早晚,可以看出各寨的农事生产进度。在勤劳的苗家人民心中,龙船节到了,地里的秧还未薅完,这是莫大的耻辱。 节日期间,家家户户酿米酒,包粽粑,走亲访友,宴请宾朋。出嫁的姑娘必须携带粽粑,鹅鸭等礼物回娘家,同父母兄妹团聚。


每只龙船都有一位鼓头。他是一切活动的主持者7,由全寨推选出来的德高望重的老人担任。鼓头身着长袍马褂,坐在龙颈上击鼓发令8,男扮女装的鼓锣手,由十岁左右的孩童充任。四十位水手,头戴特制的马尾斗笠,身着青布上衣9,士林蓝裤子,腰系银饰花带,手握五尺木桨,整齐划一,甚是威武。那马尾斗笠,原是清水江上游苗族姑娘出嫁时的陪嫁品,却成了龙船节水手们必备的一件装饰物。 II. 理解难点提示(Suggestions for Comprehension)

1. “清水江上”是“在清水江水面上”还是“沿清水江”?想想这个词组同“苗族人民”的关系。

2. “节日里,聚会”是否仅指在节日期间聚集到一起?

3. 苗家姑娘是不是亲自“打制”银饰?参考普遍的生活经验。

4. 这里重点是说苗族姑娘喜欢刺绣、编织这两项手艺,还是说喜欢穿有这种图案的衣裙?

5. “母船”“子船”之间的区别究竟何在?是否真有亲属关系? 6. “歌师”是以唱歌为业的人,还是当时谁唱谁就是“歌师”? 7. “一切活动”为哪些活动?注意,这是在龙船上。 8. “击鼓发令”是“以手击鼓,以口发令”,还是“以击鼓来发令”?发什么令? 9. “青布”是绿色的布还是黑色的布? III. 译文(Target Text)

The Miao Dragon-Boat Festival (1)

The Dragon Boat Festival is the most important celebration1 of the Miao people who live along the Qingshui River in southeastern Guizhou Province. Every year between 30,000 and 40,000 Miaos participate in the festivities2.

In the eyes of the Miaos, the dragon symbolizes good luck. Girls like to adorn their hair with silver ornaments shaped like dragons and wear clothes embroidered or woven with dragon patterns3. The Miaos build exquisite4 dragon boats, which are in reality a body formed from three canoes--one large and two small--that are strung together5. The head, over two meters long and carved out of the trunk of a weeping willow, sports6 a pair of horns more than a meter in

length. The boat may be called a red, blue or yellow dragon7 depending on the dominant colour of its head.

In every Miao village along the Qingshui River from Pingzhao in Shibing county to Liuhe in Taijiang county is built a “dragon shelter to house8 its dragon boat. As each boat extends 25 meters, its shelter9 consists of10 seven sections, each about four meters long, and so is called “seven-rooms” in the locality.

The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by the scores of Miao villages from the 24th to the 27th of the fifth lunar month. But according to11 local custom, people are allowed to send their dragon boats down the river12 after the 16th, provided that they have finished weeding their fields. The earlier appearance of the boats on the river testifies to the villagers efficiency13, and conscientious Miaos consider it a great shame not to finish weeding before the festivities begin. During the festival, each family makes rice wine and zongba (a kind of dumpling made of glutinous rice) 14 and calls on friends and relatives. Married women visit their parents home for a reunion, bearing giftszongba, geese, and ducks. 15

Before a dragon boat sets out, somebody sings an auspicious song to the boatmen, wishing them a good voyage.

Each boat is commanded16 by a coxwain, who is the most respected old man chosen by the villagers. Wearing a gown and a mandarin jacket, he rides straddling the dragons neck, beating a drum to set the pace for the oarsmen17. Several boys about 10 years of age, wearing dresses, beat drums and gongs18. The oarsmen, 40 in all, wield wooden oars which are uniformly five feet long19. These powerful-looking20 men wear horsetail hats, black jackets and blue trousers, and embroidered waistbands pinned with silver ornaments. The hats, traditionally dowry gifts for girls from the upper reaches of the Qingshui River21, have become an essential feature of the costumes worn by the dragon-boat oarsmen.

IV. 表达解说(Explanation of Expression)

1. 这里一连有三个“节”字,分别译为festivalcelebrationfestivities,以免单调。 2. 汉语里带统计性质的数字,一般出现于句末信息中心位置。英语里的数字在名词前。“节日里,聚会”实指参加龙船节,故译为participate in the festivities. 但原文静态的判断,换成了译文中动态的叙述。

3.将龙形图案打制成银饰”实为“形状为龙的银饰”故译为silver ornaments shaped like dragons姑娘们喜欢的实为“绣有、编织有龙形图案的衣裙”故译为wear clothes embroidered or woven with dragon patterns

4. exquisite一词包含“精巧、美观”二义。原文“十分精巧美观”为谓语,译文变为定语。下文的“甚是威武”也是如此处理。这是由于英语句法的限制,将原文中的新知信息往前移动所致。

5. 母船、子船的区别在于其大小。“皆为独木镂空已由canoe表达,不再译出。canoe就是“独木(镂空之)舟”

6. “装有”译为sport生动。sport作为动词时,有一义为wear or show publicly, show off 7. “赤龙、青龙、黄龙”中三个“龙”字,共译为一个dragon,以避重复。

8. to house意为提供安置的地方。有了安置的地方,就得到了保护。 9. 此处“龙篷”译为its shelter,避免了重复。 10.“建有”译为consists of是以果代因。

11.“当地习惯”前加according to,是译出暗含之义,目的是使之符合英语句法要求(状语)

12. 原句“本寨的龙船便可下水”,实即“本寨的龙船便可被(人)送下水去” 由于前面的“褥完秧”的主语是人(they have finished weeding their fields),为了避免频繁变换主语,译文中补充 people为主语, send形成主动关系。但“可”译成了are allowed to…。整个句子还是被动句的形式。

13. 原文“龙船下水的早晚”“农事生产进度”,都没有说究竟是早还是晚,进度快还是慢,二者相配。译文首先丢掉“晚”(The earlier appearance),然后丢掉“慢”(efficiency效率高),也相配。

14. “棕粑”是苗家特有之物,英语中不可能有现成的对应词(词汇空缺),只能音译成zongba,再加以解释 (a kind of dumpling made of glutinous rice)

15. 原文“出嫁的姑娘”似乎没有什么不妥,但译为英语married girls 就荒唐了,故译married women

16. “鼓头”译为coxwain,即水手长。“他是一切活动的主持者”是说主持划船活动,is commanded by… 表达。

17. “鼓头”译为he, 以避重复。“发令”译为to set the pace for the oarsmen,是非常准确的, 一方面表明了击鼓与发令之间的关系,另一方面表达了“发令”在此情景下的确切意义。

18. 此处先说什么人(boys),而不先说职务(锣鼓手)将“锣鼓手……由男童充任”译为boys… beat drums and gongs,事实相同,只是化静为动了。


20.(These powerful-looking men),并不奇怪。反过来,英译汉时,前置定语译为一个分句的情况是很常见的。

21. “那马尾斗笠”简化为the hats,以避重复。“原是……陪嫁品”在原文中是一个分句,在译文中成了同位语traditionally dowry gifts for girls from the upper reaches of the Qingshui River。反过来,英译汉时,将同位语译为分句的现象比比皆是。

II. 汉译英:



In his declining years Qiaoyu was fond of angling. He once said, “Places with both water and fish are generally in a nice environment that can put people in a good mood. The best angling place, I think, is not a comfortable angling park where hungry fish are prepared, but a natural one full of appeal. Angling is an exercise that can mould ones temperament and make him sound in body and mind. Qiaoyu said, Fishing can be divided into three phases: the first is for angling, the second for angling and interest as well, and the third mainly for angling interest. When facing a pool of green water, one can forget all worries and anxieties completely and relax himself fully.

