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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语阅读翻译:春风化雨》,欢迎阅读!


Keating "Oh CaptainMy Captain" who knows where that comes from? Anybody? Not a clue? It's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Now in this class you can either call me Mr. Keating. Or, if you're slightly more daring, Oh Captain, My Captain. Now let me dispel a few rumors so they don't fester into facts. YesI too attended Welton and survived. And no, at that time I was not the mental giant you see before you. I was the intellectual equivalent of a ninety-eight pound weakling. I would go to the beach and people would kick copies of Byron in my face. Now, Mr. Pitts? That's a rather unfortunate name. Mr. Pitts, where are you? Mr. Pitts? Would you open your hymnal to page 542 and read the first stanza of the poem you find there? 基丁:“哦,船长!我的船长”这句话,有谁知道出自哪儿吗??没人知道?它出自沃尔特·惠特曼为亚伯 拉罕·林肯写的一首诗。听好啦,在班上你们能够叫我基丁老师,或者有胆量的话就叫“哦,船长!我的船长”。我首先要澄清一些谣言,免得误人子弟。没错,我也上过这所地狱学校并活了下来。不过,那时候我可不是你们现在看到的这个思想巨人。我的智慧跟一个98磅重的弱智差不多,我到海滩念诗,人们会把拜伦诗集往我脸上砸。好了,哪位是皮茨先生?这名字太不幸了。皮茨,哪位是皮茨?皮茨,把诗集翻到第542页,念一下那首诗的第一节。

Puts To the virgins, to make much of time? 皮茨:“劝少女们珍惜时光”?

Keating Yes, that's the one. Somewhat appropriate, isn't it.


Pitts Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a flying, and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.


Keating Thank you Mr. Pitts. "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may." The Latin term for that sentiment is Carpe Diem. Now who knows what that means?


Meeks Carpe Diem. That's "seize the day". 米克斯:“卡匹迪恩”就是抓紧时间的意思。 Keating Very good, Mr—— 基丁:很好,你叫? Meeks Meeks. 米克斯:米克斯

Keating Meeks. Another unusual name. Seize the day. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Why does the writer use these lines?

基丁:好,米克斯。又一个不寻常的名字。抓紧时间,“即时采撷你的花蕾”。为什么作者要写这几句话? Charlie Because he's in a hurry. 查理:因为他很着急。

