
2022-09-02 09:16:12   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《《花木兰》配音稿2》,欢迎阅读!

《花木兰》角色花木兰 护卫龙 一人配木兰,一人配护卫龙


l'm working on it!Oh. Who am l fooling?lt's going to take a miracle to get me into the army.

护卫龙:是不是有人希望奇迹出现?让我听你大声喊 “啊” Did l hear someone ask for a miracle?Let me hear you say ''aaah''! 木兰:啊!Aaah!

护卫龙:很接近了That's close enough. 木兰:鬼?A ghost.


Get ready, Mulan. Your serpentine salvation is at hand!For I have been sent by your ancestors to guide you through your masquerade. 护卫龙:快点,你想跟来就快扇呀 If you’re gonna stay, you’re gonna work.

护卫龙:听清楚了 如果军队发现你是个女的就只有死路一条

So heed my word!'Cause if the army finds out you're a girl,the penalty is death! 木兰:你是谁?Who are you? 护卫龙:我是谁?Who am l? 护卫龙:我是谁?Who am l? 护卫龙:我是迷失灵魂的守护神、威力无比、欢乐无限且无坚不摧的木须l am the guardian of lost souls.l am the powerful,the pleasurable, the indestructible Mushu. 护卫龙:哈 帅吧?Oh. Ha, ha.Pretty hot, huh?

木兰:我的祖先派只蜥蜴来帮我?Uh, my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me? 护卫龙:喂,是龙,不是蜥蜴Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard. 护卫龙:我不来吐舌头那套l don't do that tongue thing. 木兰:你很……You're, um...

护卫龙:很吓人?还是很威风?Intimidating? Awe-inspiring? 木兰:很小Tiny.

便Of course.l'm travel-size for your convenience.

护卫龙:如果是我真实的尺寸会吓死你的牛lf l was my real size your cow here would die of fright.

护卫龙:跪下,母牛Down, Bessie.


My powers are beyond your mortal imagination. For instancemy eyes can see straight through your armor.

木兰:好了,够了All right, that's it!

护卫龙:你没面子!你家会没面子 你和你家的牛都会没面子

Dishonor!Dishonor on your whole family. Dishonor on you,dishonor on your cow, dis...

木兰:慢点,对不起……我只是太紧张了 我从来没扮过男生 Stop. l'm sorry. l'm sorry.l'm just nervous. l've never done this before. 护卫龙:那你得相信我。别再打我了,懂不懂?好吧,咱们上路吧

Then you're gonna have to trust me.And don't slap me no more.We clear on that?All right.Let's get this show on the road!

护卫龙:蟋蟀,拿袋子。我们走罗Cri-Kee, get the bags. Let's move it, heifer.

