英语人教版八年级下册maybe you should learn torelax

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Unit4 ,maybe you should learn to relax

Section B 2a-2e

Teaching goals:

1. New words and key phases

Opinion,skill,typical,football,quick,continue,compare,crazy,push,development,cut out,compare with 2 Key sentences

1 They are always comparing them with other children

2 Although it is normal to want successful children it is even moren important to have happy children

Ability goals:to improve the ability of reading

Moral goals: we should learn to relax and live happily self study

Teaching procedures

Step1 Fast reading find the main idea without reading every word 1 what is the commom problem for chinese and American families? 2 who gives their opinions about the problem?

3 Get the main idea of each paragraph according to the topic sentence Para 1 life for Cathy Talors three children is very busy

Para2 Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs development Para3 Chinese children are busier on weekends than weekdays these days Para4 Linda Miller knows all about such stress Step 2 Careful reading

1 whats the purpose of the students learning exam skills? 2 what are other students doing?

3 after-school activities

person One of two boys The other son daughter

Cathy Talor

activities 1____________ 2____________ 3____________

Take her children May be I could from activity to 5_________a activity few of their




4 Linda_________(disagree/agree) with Cathy.She thinks that it is __________to compare the kids with other children.She also thinks that people should not ________their kids so hard

Step 3

Group work

1 Does Dr.Green agree with Cathy or Linda?what does she say?

2 what do you think of after-school activities?waht should you do to relax?

Step4 summary Step5 homework

