高一英语(人教版)-必修二 Unit 4 History And Traditions (2)-3学习任务单

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《高一英语(人教版)-必修二 Unit 4 History And Traditions (2)》学习任务单


1. 获取文中有关英国的事实性信息并进行概括整合; 2. 概括整合学习英国历史的好处; 3. 口头介绍英国历史的简要发展进程; 3. 讨论学习国家历史及文化的重要性。



1. What does the map show?

2. What do the different symbols and colors stand for?

3. How many parts make up the UK?


1. What message can you get from the title?

2. What is the passage mainly about?


Step 1 Read and check

What is the passage mainly about?

Step 2 Read and find out

1. What are the countries that make up the UK?

2. What are the similarities and differences of these countries?

3. How is the passage organized?

Step 3 Read and find out

Read again and sort out the information according to the time line. (P41/Ex.3)


What happened?


What changed?

Step 4 Think and share

What are the advantages of studying the history of a country?

Step 5 Read and find out

as well as belong to add to join to break away keep your eyes open

A: I can never remember what the UK means! There’s England, Britain, ________ Great Britain! B: Well, it helps if you remember that there are four countries that _________ the UK. That’s why it’s called the United Kingdom.

A: Four countries? I must have been asleep in that part of our history class! So the first country was England, and the others were __________ that.

B: Yes, right. First England, then Wales, then Scotland. The last country was Ireland, but later the southern half didn’t want to be __________ the United Kingdom.

A: Oh, I remember now! The southern part _________ from Northern Ireland, right? B: Yes, you got it well remembered! But __________ in history class next time!

Step 6 Think and share

1. Why is it important to study the history and culture of a country before visiting it?

2. What important things should visitors know about before they come to China?


1. Read the passage aloud.

2. Write a paragraph, expressing your ideas on the significance of studying a country’s history and traditions.


From my perspective, I think studying the history and culture of the country is of great significance because it will help us understand the place better and have a more enjoyable experience. We will be able to interact better with the people and their culture and have a richer experience.


