英语人教版八年级下册unit5sectionA 2a-2d教案

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年级: 八年级 主备人:刘俊 执教人:刘俊

班级: 八(3 英语 )组 姓名: 课题: Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm 课型: 听说课

came?Section A 2a-2d

学习目标: 1.知识目标:


1)单词:alarm,begin(began),heavily,suddenly,strange 2)短语:go off,pick up

3)句型:I was taking a shower when you called.

While you were sleeping,I called Jenny and she helped me.



学习重难1.能恰当运用过去进行时态结构描述过去某一时刻正在发生的事情 3. 点: 2.听力的技巧

学习方法: 谷城县英语高效课堂“四--四”模式

学习过程 学习与反思

一、自主预习 明确目标Preparation


1)忙于干某事____________ 2)(闹钟)发出响声_____________ 3)洗热水澡______________ 4)等待_________________ 5)开始干某事___________ 6)醒来,叫醒______________ 7)错过班车______________ 8)接电话________________ 二、借助媒介,正音操练(Presentation & Practice) Pre-listening

1.说一说:观看视频,用过去进行时态描述昨天此刻同学们正在干的事情. 2.看一看,说一说:根据所给动词,用一般过去时态或过去进行时态描述每一幅图片.


1.听一听,答一答:用一句话回答Why was yesterday a terrible day? 2.听一听,排一排:完成2a. 3.听一听,填一填:完成2b.


1)The boy didnt wake up until seven thirty because his alarm didnt work.( ) 2) He arrived at school at eight. ( )

3)He still didnt catch the bus although he ran to the bus stop.( )

4)While he was waiting for the bus,it suddenly started to rain heavily.( ) 5.听一听,读一读,模仿语音语调。



TV reporter: Tell us what happened yesterday morning. Boy: ......

TV reporter: So, when the rainstorm suddenly came,what were you doing? Boy: ......

2.看一看,答一答:观看2d的录像,回答: 1)What was Linda doing at seven? 2)What was Linda doing at eight? 3)What was Linda doing at nine?

4)What did Mary do while Linda was sleeping?

3.读一读,找一找:找出含有WhenWhile的时间状语从句 4.听一听,仿一仿:跟读,注意语音语调. 5.演一演,评一评:选出最佳角色表演组. 6.练一练,写一写:不读对话,填空白.

Mary: What were you doing last night, Linda?I called at seven and you didnt ______ up.

Linda: Oh, I was in the kitchen _________my mom.

Mary: I see. I called again at eight and you didnt answer then _______.

Linda: What was I doing at eight? Oh, I know. When you called, I _____ ______ a shower.

Mary: But then I called again at nine. Linda: Oh, I _____ ________ at that time. Mary: So early? Thats _______.

Linda: Yeah, I was tired. Why did you call so many times?

Mary: I needed help with my homework. So _____ you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me.

三.合作探究 展示提升(Production)


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 四、当堂检测 盘点收获(Progress)

1.The students were doing sports when the rainstorm s___________ came. 2.When I saw Bob, he_____________for the bus. (wait) 3.While you________ up,your mother came back.(pick) ( )4.My alarm didnt_____,so I got up late.

A.get off B.get on C.go off D.go on 5.当开始下大雨时,我正在等公共汽车. (when)

________________________________________________________________ 小结 :这节课你学了哪些知识?

