
2022-09-20 16:09:32   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《创新大学英语1课后英语作文》,欢迎阅读!

新入校的大学生都会面临和同学住宿舍的情况 你希望有学校分配还是自己选择室友,为什么 如何与室友和睦相处

It is common for university students to share their dormitory room with other students , and at some universities this is required. Since they will spend a great deal of time together and must share a small apace ,it is essential that they be able to get along . for this reason ,I would rather choose my own room-mate than let the university assign one to me By choosing my own room-mate ,I would be able to live with someone with whom I am already familiar while I look forward to making many new friends at university , I know that not everyone is easy to live with . Therefore ,I would rather live with someone I already know well .choosing my own room-mate would also allow me to live with someone whose habits are compatible with my own . this would make it easier for us to share the limited space in a dormitory room . Furthermore ,if some misunderstanding or problem should occur ,I would be better able to deal with it if I knew my roommate well

No matter whether choosing the room-mate myself or letting the university do it ,I strongly believe good communication helps to make the transition from living in a comfortable home to sharing limited space with “strangers “as smooth as possible

The Celebration of Western Festivals

1.现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的某些节日 2.产生这种现象的原因 3.这种现象可能带来的影响 参考范文:

Western festivals are very popular in China, which has aroused great concern among the people around us. Nowadays, many Chinese people, especially youngsters, are paying as much attention to some western festivals as our Spring Festival, that is to say, more and more Chinese like to celebrate western festivals. Taking a look around, you can find too numerous examples to mention individually, and the best one may be Christmas Eve celebrated on December 24th. In addition, other western festivals, like April Fool’s Day and Valentine’s Day, are very popular among the Chinese, especially young people.

There are many different factors deciding this phenomenon. Above all, we can clearly see that more and more young age groups are exposed to western culture and festivals through learning English. What’s more, some western festivals provide relaxing and comfortable atmospheres, which attract a large number of Chinese youngsters. Besides, many businessmen view foreign festivals a golden opportunity to make money, who desperately try to boost the atmosphere of foreign festivals. It is far beyond any reasonable doubt that these western festivals now have much wider appeal among the Chinese people.

As far as I am concerned, to some extent western festivals have weakened our home-grown festivals’ crucial roles in Chinese traditional culture. Furthermore, these festivals are exerting great influences on young people’s traditional values and thoughts. Therefore, we should not be immersed too much in the western festivals but ignore Chinese traditional festivals.

Can Road Accidents Be Avoided? 1 人们对交通问题越来越关心。 2 有些人认为交通事故不3 可避免。 4 我的态度。

At present, more and more cities are faced with the problem of heavy traffic. And the number of road accidents is on the rise. So more people are much concerned about traffic security problems.

Some people say that traffic accidents are unavoidable. They argue that nowadays traffic is much heavier than before. There is often a traffic jam especially in rush hours. Because modern society lives on the basis of vehicles, traffic jams are difficult to eliminate. With the development of industry and population expansion, the condition will be worse.

In my opinion, most road accidents can be avoided. The right solution is to lay down more gallop bridges, overpasses and underpasses in big cities. It is well known that the main cause of road accidents is drunk driving and driving with over-speed. If we reinforce the traffic security education and more people comply with traffic regulations, I believe one day traffic accidents can be avoided.


Good manners are very important in the communication of daily life.

Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good manners?

How does one know what should do and what should not do when

trying to be a good - mannered person?

Well, here are some common examples. A person with good

manners never laughs at a people in trouble. Instead, he (she) always tries to consult or offer help to the person.

When he (she) takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man, he

(she) always gives his (her) seat to him. He doesn't interrupt other people when they are talking.

He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. He does not

spite in public places.

Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in

different regions. For example, people in Western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings, whereas in China, kissing in public is something of unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody else.

So it is important to know what is regarded as polite and impolite

before you go to a region.

But remember that it is always right to be kind and helpful to others. 环境与经济发展

Some people believe that economic development should never be

at the cost of the environment. They think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid ? economic development. For example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities. Deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining. Our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gasses and waste products. It is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.

However, other people think it unnecessary to consider

environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development. They believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic development. They are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money.

I think the second idea is completely wrong. Our ultimate aim in

economic development is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our people. What is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment? There has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development. 友谊与朋友的关系

On Friendship Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give. The term, friend, covers a wide range of readings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a confident, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc. As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties. Our friends give us warnings against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow. With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life we have. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not he cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.

