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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《初中英语人教版七年级下册unit5作业》,欢迎阅读!

Unit 5

广西贵港平南镇隆第一初级中学 张健华

姓名________ 班级________ 得分________

一、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15)


( )1. The animal is from _____ African country (国家) . _________ country is Kenya. A. /; An C. a; The

B. an; The D. an; A

( )2. Sam comes _____ the USA, and he arrives ________ China in June. A. from; at B. in; in C. from; in

D. in; at

( )3. Why do you like pandas? Oh, because they are _______ cute. A. kind of C. kind A. subjects C. fruit A. so

B. a kind of D. kinds of B. food

( )4. Pandas, tigers and lions are all _____.

D. animals

D. but

( )5. We all like koalas _______ they are funny and cute.

B. and C. because

B. friendly D. smart

( )6. Frank is ______. He doesn’t do any work. A. busy C. lazy

( )7. What do you think of doctors (医生)? They are great. They can ___________ people’s lives. A. kill

B. help C. save D. learn

( )8. Why not take a map with you?

I know that place well, so I wont (不会) _________. A. get up

B. get out

C. get dressed D. get lost

( )9. That 11-year-old girl has no ________, so she can’t walk. A. hair B. head C. legs D. teeth

( )10. How many stars are there on the _____ of the USA? Fifty. A. flag

B. symbol

C. place D. tree

( )11. Many people kill elephants for their ivory, so they are __________. A. in danger B. out of danger C. at danger A. be; is C. is; is

D. for danger

( )12. Please ______ quiet. These pandas ______ shy.

B. be; are D. is; are

( )13. Nancy, don’t forget ___________ your mother about it. OK, I won’t. A. to tell B. tell

C. telling D. to telling

( )14. How many students are there in your class, Mr. Dean? ____________ thirty. A. More

B. Over

C. Many D. Much

( )15. Why do you like elephants? ________ A. What can they do? B. Because they are friendly. C. Where are the lions from? D. I don’t like them.

