北京出版社小学英语一年级起点一年级上册 Lesson 25-全国优质课一等奖

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Unit 5 July is the seventh month

Lesson 25

一、 教学目标





二、教学重难点 重点;

1、熟练掌握单词:JulyAugustthe Communist Party Daythe Peoples Liberation Army Day 2、理解并准确掌握句型。

July is the seventh month of the year. August is the eighth month of the year. 难点:

根据关键词和图片复述课文。 三、课前准备

1.准备本课的教学课件,视频。 2.准备一个日历册。

3.学生准备反映7月,8月特征及相关节日特征的图片、照片。 四、教学过程

1. Warming-up / Revision 5 ’ 1Free talk

How many students are there in our class How many days are there in a week How many classes do you have in a day How many months are there in a year What are they

2Review the words about the months of the year

3)在复习完所学的表示月份的单词后,问:Which month do you like

4)在学生回答完后,T:I like July and August,because I can have my summer holidays. 2. Presentation 15 ’

1)和学生进行简单的交流,问问他们在7月、8月暑假期间都做了些什么:What do you do in July/August

学生小组内交流,引出单词Communist Party of China,Peoples Liberation Army Day 2)Question

When was Communist Party of China/Peoples Liberation Army founded

T:Open your books,turn to page let’s read the find out the answers in your groups.学生以小组形式讨


3Learn “founded,可以采用音标教读的方式,可以教found,然后请学生尝试拼读。

4通过学生对问题的回答引出Communist Party of China was founded on July s Liberation Army Day is on August 1st

5Read the text after the video. 6)学生自读课文

7Retell the text.学生根据问题及答案复述课文. 3. Practice 15 ’ 1Play a game.

猜月份游戏。学生四人一组,每个小组发一张白纸,要求每组裁成四小张,每张写上1-8月的英文,然后把反面扣在桌上,学生一个一个来猜,每个学生猜一张,先说英语单词,再翻开卡片,看到单词再说一个句子,例: January is the first month of the year.猜对并句子说对的学生赢的卡片,谁卡片多,谁是冠军。 4. Assessment

Finish the activity book about the lesson. 5. Additional activities/Homework 5 ’

1Finish the activity book.


