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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《外研版八年级下册Module7单元复习练习题(无答案)》,欢迎阅读!


重点短语 prepare 最好 顺便for make a list (of) at 提一下 玩得很高兴 the end of pay for be 写信给某人 乐意glad to do sth. get 做某事 把某物准备sth ready offer sb. 给某人提供某物

had better (not) do sth. 持续(一段时间)

by the way have a great

依赖,取决于 time write to sb.

某人提供某物 置测验 和… …保sth. last for ...

持联系 无疑,肯定,depend on

一定做 填表 或者…provide for sb. set 或者 了解 提高英语tests stay in touch 水平 同时 持续四周 with be certain to do 受过良好训练

fill out (the form)

了。。。;还有 either or learn 日常生活 建立友about improve your 住在宾馆 保持联English 为… …做准 参观好莱坞 至少 列清单 在… …至多

的末端 为……付款

1. We set tests every week to check your p ________ in writing. 2. Please use English or Pin Yin to f ________ out the form.

at the same time last four weeks be

3. Tom liked pork, but I p _________ beef.

well trained have a lot of experience 4. The village p ___________ the students with water

and food.

经验丰富 as well as take part in 5. This basket of apples w _____________ about ten

daily life form friendship with stay in

pounds. a hotel stay in touch with take trips 6. Many g ________ came to her birthday party. They

to Hollywood at least at most 词汇

had a great time.

7. Are you c ________ to get the first prize in the competition?

8. There is going to be a t ________ next Monday. Wish you good luck! 9. ___________________________ He has formed close f _______________________ with the stude nts he is teach ing.

1O.lf you want to go to Hong Kong, you should remember

to take your p __________________________________________根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词。 I. When it ' s sunny, he always wears 太阳镜.

2.It was very hot yesterday, so he bought a pair of _______ 短裤. 3. You did such a silly thi ng. You must be ______ 发疯的. 4.1 didn ' t find my name on the 清单.

5. How much does the meat ______ 重量有 …)

It ' s about 2kg.

6. The _____ number of the stude nts is 500.

7. Please show me your 8.1 don ' t know the


重量of these things.

9. Pare nts always try to _____ a comfortable en vir onment for their childre n. 10. We set tests every week to check the______ 进步you have made. II. We are in terested in America n ____ . 12. You have to take the _____ agai n.

13. You are supposed to shake hands with these ____ first. 14. The ____ 友谊betwee n the two coun tries will last long.

15. Every one ,you n eed to have a dream. The future of China ___ on you! 句子

1. 这个大厅大的足以容纳两千人。 The hall is __ _______ to hold 2, 000 people.

2. 明天是端午节飞的妈妈和奶奶现在正在为家人准备丰盛的晚饭。

Tomorrow is Drag on Boat Day. My mother and my gran dma are _______ a big meal _____ our family now.

3. 老师经常要求我们在上课之前把学习用品准备好。

Our teachers ofte n ask us to _____ the school things _______ before class. 4. 帧便问一下你去哪里度暑假了 一一我去了北京。

_______________________ where did you go for your summer holiday? I went to Beiji ng.

5. 布莱克先生付给老板500美元买了这台电脑。 Mr. Black ______ the boss 500 dollars _______ the computer. 6. 史密斯一家去中国旅行并且在那里玩得很高兴。

The Smiths _____________________ China _______ enjo yed themselves there. 7. 王琳能否做这项工作取决于她的能力。

Whether Wang Lin can do this job ______________ her ability. 8. 许多国家已经同中国建立了友女

Many coun tries ______________________ friendships ________ Chi na. 9. 上学期胡强在老师们的帮助下取得了巨大的进步。

Hu Qiang _______________________ with the help of his teachers last term. 10. 如果你想找工作就先填一下这张表格。 Please_ _ _the form if you want to find a job. 11. 迈克起床早足以及时到达机场。 Mike got up _______________ to arrive at the airport in time.


12. 大明的祖父母经常晚饭后去散步。

Daming ' s grandparents often _____________________________ after supper. 13. 这道数学题很难但我不会放弃。

The maths problem is very difficult for me, _______ I won ______ ______ . 14.



Why didn ' t you ___________________ the basketball match? Because I was ill that day.

15. 我们盼望着在杭州游览几天。

We are look ing forward to _______________ in Han gzhou for a couple of days. 选择题

1. The sun is shining. Why not wear a pair of ________ to protect your eyes?

A. shorts B. sun glasses C. shoes D. trousers

2. I chose some books in the bookstore and I had to pay two hun dred yuan _____ A. to B. on C. for D. in them.

3. She s got a bad cold. She d better_____ some hot water.

A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank your less 4. If you fail, don ' t forget on.

C. to lear n D. learnt A. learn B. learni ng

5. The scientist has failed in the test many times, _______ he never gives up. A. but B. so C. or

6. Daniel has tried to lose ________ by eating less recently, but two kilos has been put on in stead. A. weight B. weights C, height D. heights

7. Our world will get better and better _________ each of us lives a gree ner life.

A. before B. if C. though D. un til 8.Johnson won 't answer the phone if he __________ the number.

A.knew B. doesn ' t know C. will know D. didn ' t know 9.If our parents

it ' t ______

do everything for us children, we won' tearn to depend


A. in B. to C. on D. for 10.1 don ' t know who ran to the finishing line first. They seemed to arrive there ______ the same time.

A. on B. in C. for D. at

11. The n ewly-ope ned company ___ the local people with more cha nces to work.

A. gives B. provides C. offers D. shows 12. Whe n it rain s, I _______ stay at home rather tha n go out.

A. like B. would rather C. prefer to

13. To teacher ' s joy, the student made great _____________ this term.

A. result B. preparati on C. suggesti on D. progress 14. How do you stay ___ touch with your classmates?


