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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英美文学作者集合》,欢迎阅读!

Ren aissa nce1500- 1660

Edmund Spenser , the

poets ' poet, The Faerie

Quee n

(Arthur ,12virtues. Jesus

Christ,Gloria na:the Fairy Quee n.Redcrosse Kni ght symb


Marlowe , the pion eer of En glish drama,

剧作Tamburlaine帖木 Dr Fauctus弗士德博 的悲剧The Jew of Malta 马耳他的犹太人

诗歌 Hero and Leander 海洛与勒安得耳The Passi on ate Shepherd to His Love(pastoral lyrics 田园抒情诗)

William Shakespeare

叙事诗 Venus and Adoni s维纳斯与安东尼斯The Rape of Lucrece 鲁克丽


The First Period ( 159

0-1594 )

历史剧Henry W( Richard Titus Androni cus

喜居U The Comedy of Err ors , The Two Gentleme n of Verona

, The Tami

ng of the Shrew , Love "s Labor"s Lost

The Seco nd Period (15 95-1600 )历史剧 Richar d n, Ki ng Joh n Henry

IV, Part I & Part n, Henry V

喜剧 A Mid summer Night"s Dream

,The Merchant of Ven ice , Much Ado About N othing , As You Like It , Twelfth Night , T he Merry Wives of Win sor 悲剧 Romeo & Juliet

,Julius Caesar The Third Period (160 1-

1609 )悲剧 HamletO thelloKi ng LearMac bethAntony & Cleopat ra Troilus & Cressid aCoriolonus 。黑色喜 All's Well That End s Well Measure for Me


The Fourth Period (16 09-1612 )浪漫悲喜剧 Pe ricles Cymbeline The Winte''s Tale The Te mpest o Henry 忸。The T wo

Noble Kinsmen

Francis Baco n 弗兰 西.培根His works can be

divided into three groups : First group : The

Advancement of Learning , Novum Orga num (1620)

( Latin vers ion ) Second

group : Essays , Apophthagmes Newand Old,The History of the Reig n of Henry Vfl , The New Atla ntis (未完成) Third group : Maxims of Law, The Learned Readi ng upon the Stature of Uses

John Donne 约翰.

The Elegies and Satires, The Songs and Sonn ets, The Sun

Ris in g,Death Be Not Proud ,A Hymn to God the Father

John Milt on 约翰.

弥尔顿Lycidas利西 达斯

Paradise Lost , Paradise Regained ,

Sams on Ago ni stes 力士参


Areopagitica 论出版自 Neoclassical Period 1660-179 8John Bunyan 约翰 .

The Pilgrim ' s Progress 路历 Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners The Life & Death of Mr. Badman The Holy War Alexander Pope 亚历山 . 蒲伯 An Essay on Criticism 论批 The Rape of the Lock 夺发记 The Dunciad 愚史诗 An Essay on Man 人类 Daniel Defoe 尼尔 . 笛福 小说 Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流 A Journal of the Plague Year 灾异之年的 日记 Moll Flanders 莫尔 朗德斯 Captain Singleton 利顿船长 Colonel Jack 杰克上校

Jonathan Swift 乔纳森 . 斯威 小说 Gulliver ' s Travels 格列佛游记 讽刺小品文 A Tale of a Tub 桶的故事 The

Battle of the Books 籍的战斗书信 The Diaprer ' s Letters 德莱 皮尔的信 散文 A Modest Proposal Henry Fielding

亨利 .

菲尔丁 戏剧 The coffee-House Politician 咖啡屋的政 治家 The Tragedy of Tragedies 悲剧中的悲 Pasquin 巴斯昆 The

Historical Register for the Year 1736 1 736 历史年鉴 The History of The Adventures of Joseph Andrew 约瑟夫安德鲁与 亚伯拉罕亚当斯历险记 The History of Jonathan Wild the Great 伟大的乔 纳森怀尔德传记 The History of Tom Jons 汤姆琼斯一个弃 儿的故 The History of Amelia 米莉亚传记 Samuel Johnson 赛缪尔 . 约翰逊 A Dictionary of the English Language 语大词典 书信 To the Right Honorable The Earl of Chesterfield 致切斯特菲尔德勋爵的 London The vanity of Human Wishes 人类欲望的虚 骑士诗 The History of Rasselas ,拉塞拉 的历史 Prince of Abyssinia 阿比西尼亚王 悲剧 Irene 艾琳 Richard Brinsley Sheridan 理查德德 .

. 谢立丹 戏剧 The Rivals 情敌 The School of Scandal 造谣学校 St. Patrick's Day or the Scheming

Lieutenant The Duenna The Critic, Pizarro Thomas

Gray 托马斯 . 格雷

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 写在教堂墓地的 Ode on the Spring Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat,Hymn to Adversity

Romantic1798-187 0

William Blake 威廉. 布莱 Poetical Ske tches 诗草

Songs of Inn ocence天真之 Songs o f Experie nee


Marriage of Heave n an d Hell天堂与地狱联姻预 言性的书 The Book of U rize n. The Book of Los, The Four Zoas,Milt on


Wordswort 威廉. 兹华 Lyrical Ballads 抒情歌谣

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Composed upon Westminster Bridge She Dwelt Among the Un trodden Ways 独自幽

