
2022-03-06 01:03:56   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语》,欢迎阅读!


Most people will probably think that literature is a form of art that can be enjoyed without formal instruction.__67__, people with informal knowledge of literature may miss a lot __68__reading a novel , short story , poem , play , or essay . These readers are __69__to the spectators at a football game who watch the game and enjoy it __70__really understanding the complex movements occurring on the field. Although they may enjoy the game , many spectators watch only the ball __71__,missing entirely the contribution of other members __72__the total play as well as the intricacies __73__within the match.

A person who understands football__74__better yet , has played the game----is more capable __75__judging when a team is playing well or successfully and is __76__likely to enjoy a “good” game more . The __77__is true of reading literature. Most people have read numerous __78__works, but many do not understand or __79__the authors skill in communicating. __80__like those spectators of the football game ,they can __81__enjoy a good book. This book__82__intended to help you learn to __83__attention not only on what happens , but on __84__it happens and how the author has __85__it----to analyze and evaluate literary works so that you can __86__experience and appreciate them.

67 A Moreover B However C Otherwise D Therefore 68 A Before B Since C Until D When

69 A Competitive B Preferable C Comparable D Comparative 70 A without B beyond C off D within 71 A entirely B generally C obviously D preferable 72 A over B under C to D up

73 A existing B occurring C surviving D maintaining 74 A but B so C and D or 75 A of B on C in D at 76 A then B still C also D yet 77 A same B identical C similar D alike 78 A athletic B cultural C scientific D literary 79 A apply B appreciate C approve D appeal 80 A Only B Almost C Even D Just 81 A hardly B ever C barely D merely 82 A afterwards B therefore C furthermore D moreover 83 A pay B distract C draw D concentrate 84 A what B that C how D whether 85 A presented B submitted C described D written 86 A exclusively B roughly C fully D skillfully

Answer B D C A B C B D A C A D B D A B D C A C


Was the man we know as Shakespeare really the author of the Shakespearean Works---his comedies and his tragedies? Did he really write the plays ,__67__was he just a man that got

__68__?There is not even a correct__69__of this mans name . shakspere , Shakespeare , and shaxpere are__70__of variations .

Shakespeare was both fact and fiction .He was nobodys concern __71__nearly two hundred years after he perished (丧生), and there is still no definite conclusion __72__this mystery . There is __73__man that can be attributed to the works of Shakespeare . His name is Edward DeVere , the 17th Earl of oxford.

The man known as Shakespeare does not fit __74__into the necessary criteria to determine the author of these works. Thomas Looney __75__a series of criteria that had to be fulfilled in order to be a possible candidate for the authorship of the Shakespeare works. To have all the knowledge that is portrayed in the works, the __76__must have accomplished many things, e.g. a superior education .__77__, from what we know of Shakespeare , this was not a possibility . We do not ___78__know if Shakespeare does not even make a __80__that he is the author.

Its not how __81__we know about Shakespeare that __82__confusion and difficulty now;__83__its the things that we do know . We know Shakespeare’s father ,a glover , could not write. When he __84__ documents , he simply made an X. This is __85__it is delivered that Shakespeare could not write as well , because his education probably was passed __86__from his father.

67 A and B or C but D so 68 A fatigued B amused C confused D alarmed 69A replacing B spelling C pronouncing D saying 70 A modes B models C copies D samples 71A until B as C before D when 72A for B on C from D to 73A any B one C another D other

74 A perfectly B unusually C informally D practically 75A experienced B determined C achieved D established 76 A student B author C teacher D reader

77A moreover B however C therefore D furthermore 78A still B then C even D yet 79 A nor B so C either D neither 80 A concept B conclusion C claim D comment 81 A less B little C more D much 82A inspires B keeps C avoids D causes 83A instead B rather C because D regardless 84A printed B signed C marked D edited 85A what B that C why D how 86A out B by C back D down Answer : B C B D A D C A D B B C A C B D A B C D

