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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语》,欢迎阅读!


The exercise obviously will improve strength and endurance. beyond/past endurance超出可以忍受的限度 She was pushed beyond her powers of endurance .


Ten years of working in the company enabled him to afford a house of moderate size. 事故发生时, 该车正以中速行驶。

At the time of accident, the car was traveling at a moderate speed.

There is a lot of evidence that stress is partly responsible for disease.有很多证据表明,压力是致病的部分原因.

They are doing extra jobs outside their regular ones to supplement their incomes. 除了常规工作外,他们还干些零活,以补充收入。

We lost two or three early games in the World Cup, but we bounced back.在世界杯比赛中我们先输了几场, 但后来有赢回来了


He is young enough to bounce back from this disappointment.

They listened in ___respectful_silence.

He was born in a _______respectable_ family. We went to visit our _____respective__ mothers

As the campus is small, there is a need to restrict the number of students 由于校园小,有必要限制学生的人数。 restricted visibility

能见度不良,能见度受限 restricted airspace 空中禁区

restricted language 限制性语言

Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 20kg per passenger. 我们的大多数航班容许每位旅客免费带20公斤行李。 Too much pressure tipped her over the edge of breakdown. 过多的压力使她处于崩溃的边缘。

A survey if retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life. 对退休人员的调查表明,他们多数都生活自立,在安享晚年。 The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。 throw away 放弃,丢掉 throw out 否决,不接受

throw over 放弃,跟(某人)吹了 The strong smell made me throw up.

The training program has been modified to the benefits of the students 这个训练计划已做了修改,以使学生们受益。

These plans must be modified if they are to be used successfully. 如果要使这些计划成功实施,必须对它们进行修改。

He is one of those people who can derive pleasure from helping others.有些人从帮助他人


The town derives its name from the river on which it was built. 这个市镇沿河而建,由此得名

Many people feel that scientists shouldnt interfere with nature. 很多人认为科学家不该做干涉大自然的事。 interfere in sth. 指别人未请而自己主动参与 interfere with sth. 指阻碍事情发生 I have never interfered in his affair. 我从不干预他的事。

Efforts to remedy this fault must begin right away. 要立即纠正这个错误。

Warmth is the best remedy for a cold. 热疗是治疗感冒最好的方法。

undo [T]

1. to unfasten sth. that is tied or wrapped 解开,打开,松开(某物)

2. to try to remove the bad effects of sth. that you have done消除坏影响;使恢复原状 After the disaster, people realize that their houses need to be strengthened


David’s going to exhibit his roses at the flower show. 戴维准备在花展中展出自己的玫瑰花 He regularly phones to boost her morale. 他定期打电话鼓励她。

Using this method, you can multiply your profit in a very short time. 利用这个方法,你便可在短时间内增加利润。 What do you get if you multiply 13 by 11? 1311相乘等于多少?


Our chances of success had multiplied several times over. We should protect the environment in response to the call. 我们应该响应号召,保护环境。

He went to open the door in response to a




We can only speculate about why he did it.

George began to speculate that the two events might be linked. 乔治开始猜测这两件事可能有联系。

the maintenance of good relations between the two countries 两国间友好关系的保持

In what situation will a student be suspended from school? He wants a conventional marriage with a wife and kids.


Never look down upon your inferiors for they might be your superiors someday.


The deal fell through at the last minute.

Scientists around the world are working hard on the mystery of AIDS.

2. Despite the bad weather the sports meet will go ahead. Anything that goes against the law of nature will receive severe punishment from it.

