Chinese cuisine 中国的八大菜系

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Chinese cuisine

Chinese cuisine, simply speaking, can be defined as eight major schools of cooking: Guangdong, Fujian, Human, Zhejiang, Anhui, Sichuan, Shandong, Jiangsu.

1.1 Guangdong Cuisine

Since the South Dynasty (1127-1279), Guangdong Cuisine gradually took its shape and reached its climax in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It is well-known for seafood with unique and mixed flavourings. Guangdong Cuisine is divided into three styles: Guangzhou,Chaozhou (潮州) and Dongjiang River(东江).

The typical dishes cover: Dragon and Tiger Fight (龙虎斗)Stewed Snake and Chicken (龙凤会)Crispy Suckling Pig(脆皮乳猪)Salt-cooked Chicken from Dongjiang(东江盐鸡)Fried Fresh Milk and Stir-fried Eggs(鲜奶赛螃蟹)Chop Soup with Tea and Chestnut(铁观音栗子排骨汤)Steamed Swallow Nest with Taro(燕窝芋蓉)Fried Fish with Three Shreds(三丝敲鱼)Fried Eggs with Pork and Preserved Eggs(松花肉丁烘蛋)Braised Chicken with Tomato(番茄黄焖鸡块) Fried Eight-diagramChicken(炸八卦鸡)Crisp Chop and Fried Banana(香蕉酥)Fried Crab with Beer(啤酒灼大闸蟹)Steamed Two Crabs Stuffed with Mash(鸳鸯膏蟹)Beef Fillet(中华牛柳)etc.

1.2 Fujian Cuisine

Fujian Cuisine is developed from Fuzhou, Quanzhou and Xiamen flavors and Fuzhou flavor is the most representative of Fujian Cuisine. Its raw materials are usually seafood and its dishes taste salty and fresh.features with sour and sweet, and hot and fragrant.

The famous dishes are: Buddha-jumping-over-the-wall(佛跳墙), Orange and fried Whelk(黄橙香螺)Pork in Wine Sauce(红糟肉)Fried Shrimps with Milk(鲜奶炒虾仁)Smoked Chicken(熏香鸡)Evening Primrose Cuttlefish Ball(夜来香墨鱼丸)Roasted Square Pork(生烧方肉)Braised Beef with Dry Red Wine(红酒乡村牛肉)Steamed Champignons Stuffed with Shrimp Mash(香菇艳影)Braised Pork Chops with Fruit Juice(果汁煎猪扒)Shredded Chicken with Gingko(白果鸡丁)Braised Cabbage with Chicken Soup(开水白菜)Braised Chop with Puning Bean Sauce(普宁豆酱骨), etc.

1.3Human Cuisine

Human Cuisine is famous for its spicy and sour taste. Its special dishes include stewed shark's fin with soy sauce and stewed lotus seed with ice sugar.

The recommended dishes include: Spicy Young Chicken(麻辣仔鸡)Fried Fish Slices(生熘鱼片)Steamed Soft-shell Turtle(清蒸甲鱼)Fat Fish Maw of Dongting Lake(洞庭肥鱼肚)Steamed Multiple Preserved Hams(腊味合蒸)Gold Fish Playing Lotus(金鱼戏莲)Butterfly Flying over River(蝴蝶过河)Hot and Sour Dog Meat(辣狗肉)Fish-sapor Fried Dumpling(锅贴鱼)Hot and Sour Diced Chicken(酸辣鸡)Sugar Candy Lotus(冰糖湘莲)etc.

1.4Zhejiang Cuisine

Of a large number local cuisine styles, Zhejiang Cuisine occupies an important position and mainly consists of Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing and Wenzhou cuisine styles. It is characterized by light, soft and delicate.

The famous dishes are: West Lake Sour Fish(西湖醋鱼), Dongpo Pork(东坡肉), Shrimp with Longjing Leaves(龙井虾仁), Beggar's Chicken(叫花鸡), Steam Rice Flower and Pork Wrapped by Lotus Leaves(荷叶粉蒸肉), West Lake Thick Beef Soup(西湖牛肉羹)Sister-in-law Song's Thick Fish Soup(宋嫂鱼羹), etc.

1.5Anhui Cuisine

Anhui Cuisine has the following four characteristics: 1) Using a wide variety of ingredients. 2) Adopting unique techniques.

3) Paying great attention to nutritious food.

4) Offering various kinds of dishes, some of which are full of local flavor.

Famous dishes: Stewed Soft shell Turtle with Ham(清炖甲鱼), Fuliji Red-cook Chicken(符离集烧鸡), Braised Pigeon of Huang Mountain(黄山炖鸽)Wenzheng Mountain Bamboo Shoots(问政山笋)Pigeon Eggs in Duck Webs(掌上明珠)Fried Prawns (香炸琵琶虾)Non-action Smoked Duck(无为熏鸭)Steamed Frog with Mushroom(田菇花鸡)etc.

1.6Sichuan Cuisine

Since the Jin Dynasty (晋,265-439)Sichuan Cuisine began to influence the flavour of the local region and the neighbouring areas. Hot pepper is used frequently in dishes. The cuisine consists of three styles:Chengdu, Chongqing and Zigong(自贡).

The main characteristics of Sichuan Cuisine: 1) Prepared with a wide variety of ingredients.

2) Presenting various shapes and tastes, and famous for spicy food, fish-flavored shredded pork and food with odd taste.

3) Boasting numerous cooking techniques, such as stir frying, frying, stir-frying before stewing, and braising.

