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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《go和call的短语》,欢迎阅读!

1. go back (1) 回去。 (2) 回顾,回溯

2. go by (1) (……)旁边经过(2) (时间、机会等)过去 (3) 遵循,按照,……依据3. go down (1) 下落,下沉。 (2) 下降,降低,减低,减弱

4. go in for (1) 参加(考试、比赛等)。如 (2) 从事(某一职业等) (3) 爱好,喜欢 5. go into (1) 到达,进入,从事,参加 (2) 调查,研究,弄清楚。如:The police are going into the murder case. 警察在调查这想谋杀案。We need to go into the question of costs. 我们有必要研究一下费用问题。 6. go out (1) 出去 (2) 出国,远行

7. go over (1) 复习、温习、演习 (2) 检查、查看、核对

8. go through . (1) 通过。 (2) 检查,审查,查找。 (3) 经历,经过 (4) 做完,用完。9. go up (1) 上升,上涨。 (2) 兴建,建立。 10. have gone to ……去了.

比较 have been to have gone to:前者表示去过某地,后者表示到某地去了 11. be going to do sth (1) 打算或准备做某事。 (2) 即将发生某 (3) 按计划或安排要发生的事

12. godoing去做某事。

13. go on doing sth 不停地做某事,继续做某事。 14. go on to do sth (做完某事后)接着或继续做某事。

15.call by (infml )顺路参观某处或探望某人: Could you call by on your way home? 你回家的时候, 能顺路来一下吗? call sb down (US infml )严厉申斥或责骂某人. call sth down on sb (fml )祈求(降祸...)於某人.

call for sth要求﹑ 需求或需要某事物: The situation calls for prompt action. 形势所迫, 必须立即采取行动. That rude remark was not called for! 何必说那麽难听的!

call sth forth (fml )使某事物出现或显出; 引出某事物: His speech called forth an angry response. 他的话惹人生气.

call sth in下令或请求收回某物: The library called in all overdue books. 图书馆要求把所有逾期未还的书收回. Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers. 有严重故障的汽车原厂要求收回.

call sb/sth off命令(狗﹑ 士兵等)停止追击﹑ 搜查等: Please call your dog off it's frightening the children. 请把你的狗叫开--已经吓着孩子了.

call sth off取消或放弃某事物: call off a deal, a journey, a picnic, a strike 取消一交易﹑ 旅行﹑ 野餐﹑ 罢工The match was called off because of bad weather. 由於天气不好, 比赛取消了.

call on/upon sb (to do sth)(a)郑重邀请或要求某人(讲话等): I now call upon the chairman to address the meeting. 现在请主席致辞.(b)恳求或促使某人(做某事): call sb out (a)召唤某人(尤指处理紧急事件): call out the fire brigade, troops, guard, etc 召(集)消防队﹑ 部队﹑ 守卫人员等.(b)命令或建议(工人)罢工: Miners were called out (on strike) by union leaders. 矿工遵照工会领袖的指示举行罢工.

call sb/sth up(a)给某人打电话.(b)想起某事物; 回忆某事 (c)徵召某人服兵役; 派某人.

