one ..the other, another, some ...the others图解

2022-04-15 04:30:06   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《one ..the other, another, some ...the others图解》,欢迎阅读!

不定代词有onethe other, another, some...(some)others, some... the others.等用法图示

one the other (One) another ○○●○○……

Would you like another cup of tea?

one the others ●●●●

In our is a foreigner and the others are Chinese,

some others ○○○○… ●●●●○○○○

There are many people in the park. Some are singing, others are dancing.

some... the others ○○○○… ●●●●

In class,some are playing with mobile phones, and the others are listening to the teacher carefully.

some some the others

○○○○… ○○○○… ●●●●

There are many people in the park. Some are singing, some are skipping, the others are dancing.


1 表示两者中的一个…另一个…,onethe other There are two books, one is lilys, the other is mine. 2 表示不确定数目中的一个…另(又,再)一个…,one another

I dont like this one. Show me another one, please. 3 强调确定数目中的一个…其余的…,onethe others Of the six boys, one is going home, the others are going to the cinema.

4 表示者中的一部分…另一部分(并非全部).,someothers There are lots of people in the park, some are walking and others are climbing the hills.

5 表示多者的一部分…另一部分…,其余的全部…,somesomethe others

The students of class two are working on the hill, some are carrying water, some are digging, the others are planting the trees.

