
2022-09-15 12:19:48   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《手术部位标识制度及流程》,欢迎阅读!




1、手术病人术前必须做好识别标识。术前由手术医师用甲紫(龙胆紫)在手术部位进行体表标识,以 “+”号作为识别标识;主动邀请患者及家属参与对手术患者及手术部位共同确认。


3 对于不便在体表作手术部位识别标识的患者,则在手术患者左腕加一红色腕带,并于该腕带上注明患者姓名、性别、临床诊断和手术名称。




to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation.

5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results.

手术部位识别、标识工作流程图 术前讨论 经治医生

离开病区前 手术患者 确定手术部位 “+”标识

手术部位 无“+”标识 检查标识 手术室护士 有“+”标识

麻醉师 实施麻醉 医师手术 接入手术室 查对切口 标识正确

to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance

