关于西方思想家卢梭的 英文传记 经典实用

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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《关于西方思想家卢梭的 英文传记 经典实用》,欢迎阅读!

Introduction :

(1)Jean Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva, Switzerland, into a Protestant family of French refugees, and his mother died of puerperal fever shortly after his birth .

(2)He was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of 18th-century Romanticism .

His political philosophy heavily influenced the French Revolution, as well as the American Revolution and the overall development of modern political, sociological and educational thought.





(1)At about the age of twelve. Rousseau ended his formal education.

(2)At the age of 16 Rousseau left Geneva to travel. The next 20 years he spent traveling, studying, and adventuring.

(3)His personal life was a mess, and there are some private foibles that many ordinary people can not accept.

(4)From 1731 until 1740 Rousseau lived with Madame de Warens. (5)In 1741, he met Thése Le Vasseur, with whom he stayed for the rest of his life, never marrying her. They had five children whom Rousseau allegedly consigned to a foundling hospital. In The Confessions , Rousseau expressed his eternal and bitter regret.

(6)In 1743-44 ,living in Paris ,he earned his living with secretarial work and musical copying.

(7)He died of apoplexy on July 2, 1778. Rousseau„s remains were placed with Voltaire‟s in the Panthéon (先贤祠)in Paris in 1794.


(2)16岁的卢梭离开日内瓦开始旅行。在接下来的20年里,他主要是学习,旅游,冒险。 (3)他的个人生活一团糟,还有一些普通人不能接受的私人缺点。 (4)17311740年,卢梭与夫人德·华伦生活在一起。


个孩子,托付给了孤儿院。在《忏悔录》中,卢梭表达了他永恒的、痛苦的遗憾。 (6)1743 - 44,他住在巴黎,通过做秘书的工作和抄写乐谱来谋生。


Along with his most famous political tract, The Social Contract , Rousseau also contributed to educational philosophy, most notably in his Emile . An unlikely educator - Rousseau deemed himself a second-rate teacher and unworthy father ,Emile has nonetheless been described as "the most significant book on education after Plato's Republic"

同他的最著名的政治小册子 社会契约论一样出名的还有他的教育哲学之作—爱弥儿。个最不可能的教育——卢梭认为自己是一个二流的老师和没有价值的父亲,爱弥儿却被认为是继柏拉图的著作之后教育史上最重要的著作。

Discourse on the Arts and Sciences 科学艺术("1749") won the prize ; argued that

the development of the arts and sciences did not improve man in habits and moral

Discourse on the Origin of Inequality 《论人类不平等的起源和基础》("1755") he

maintained that only the uncorrupted savage is in possession of real virtue. The cultivation

of earth and invention of metallurgy led to the birth of work and property.

Julie 《新爱洛伊斯》 ("1761") was an 18th-century best-seller.

The Social Contract 《社会契约论》 ("1762") which starts with the famous declaration,

"Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others,

and still remains a greater slave than they." Its catchphrase 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity‟,

inspired the French Revolution.

Emile: or, On Education《爱弥儿》("1762")

After its publication, Èmile was banned both in France and Switzerland. Èmile paved way for

the liberal modern educational experiments. It stated that only through proper education in youth

could the "natural man" come to being. Children should be kept from books until the age of 12

and youth should be taught "natural religion" only. Girls were to be trained solely as wives and


Confessions 忏悔录》("1788") was the first “romantic” autobiography. The book was part

of his immersion into self-observation, also exemplified in Rousseau Judge of Jean-Jacques

and the Reveries(梦想) .


