朗文.小学英语四年级下册分级阅读4 A busy mother精品教学设计

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Unit 3 A busy mother


朗文.小学英语分级阅读4 A busy mother


1. 本课教学内容是一篇14页的故事,文中有不少新词汇,所以在教学过程中 在整体把握故事的基础上,对部分内容进行必要的泛读

2. 主要内容是:母亲节那天,章鱼爸爸和宝宝们想给妈妈惊喜的故事。可以对孩子们进行情感教育:感恩父母,热爱生活。


1. 读懂理解故事大意并能独立完成练习。

2. 学生感知到不同的阅读方式,以便用于自身平时的阅读中去。

3. Try to act中,尽可能的培养学生语言的运用能力和再创设能力。


1. 在相对较短的时间内,要求学生读懂并理解语意。 2. 部分主要单词的掌握(发音),如:exercise, fix, gift, relaxing等等。 3. 五年级学生在表演环节中的表现力。

教学辅助: PPT、词条

教学过程: Before reading 1. Free talk.

2. 以五月的第二个星期日引出Mothers Day,揭题。

While reading P42

1. Try to answer.

学习故事4243页前,请学生回答问题。 T: What do you usually do on Mothers Day? S1: I usually do some housework.

T: What does your father do on Mothers Day? S2: My father usually cooks nice food for us.

S3: My father usually buys a present for my mother. S4:

2. Read and find the key words.

PPT出示42页图片,请学生快速阅读,找出章鱼爸爸想为妈妈所做事情、以及妈妈此刻所做事情的动词短语。 S1: make dinner.

S2: cook some chicken. S3: keep fit S4: exercise S5: go there

学习生词:Mothers Day ,cook, keep fit, exercise


1. Listen and choose.

T: Today is Mothers Day. Lets listen and try to answer: What does Ozzy want to do for his mother? What does Mum want to do for Ozzy?

PPT出示两个选择题,请学生读。然后,听故事44-45页,选出正确答案。 2. Try to say.

T: Look at these pictures. Please tell me: Whats wrong with Ozzys shirt? S1: Its very dirty.

T: Who usually washes Ozzys shirt? S2: His Mum.

T: Why does Ozzy wash his shirt by himself today? S3: Today is Mothers Day.


1. Read and write. PPT出示46-47页。

T: What does Ollie want to do for his mother? Ss: Fix clothes.

T: Whats wrong with Ollies skirt? 读故事46-47,填空。

(1). Ollies skirt has a _______. _______ usually fixes clothes. But today, she wants to _______Mum.

(2).Mum is having some _______ and_______.

2. Check the answer. 3. Try to answer.

T: Ozzy and Ollie both want to do something to help Mum. What can we learn from it?

Ss: They love their mother very much.


1.Watch and find.

看动画,回答问题 What does Oggy want to do for her mother?

2.Ask and answer.

What does Mum do ? What does Mum buy for Oggy? 3.请学生读4849页的内容。

4. Try to think.

Why does Mum buy gifts for everyone?



Q1: What does Dad need to do? Q2: What does Ozzy need to do? Q3: What does Ollie need to do? Q4: What does Oggy need to do?


T: Mum comes home. What does she do? S1: wash the shirt S2: fix the skirt

S3: cook the chicken

S4: give the teddy bear to Oggy

P54最后一幅图 1.学生齐读。


TWhat can we learn from the story? Ss: They love each other.

TSo we should love our family members.

After reading




