英语四级翻译训练每日一题附答案和讲解 第390期-花木兰

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英语四级翻译训练每日一题附答案和讲解 390:花木兰

请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 花木兰

花木兰是中国著名古诗《木兰辞》中描绘的一位替父从军的英雄。因木兰的父亲年事已高,不能经受奔波劳苦,木兰又没有兄长可以代替老父,于是她把自己乔装成男子代父从军。虽然这个故事是否真实不得而知,但是千百年来,花木兰作为孝顺的典范而深受中国人的尊敬。1998年,美国迪士尼公司将花木兰的故事改编成了动画片,受到了全世界的欢迎。 参考翻译: Hua Mulan

Hua Mulan is a heroine who joined the army for her father, according to what is described in a famous Chinese ancient poetry The Ballad of Mulan. Mulan's father is too old to bear suffering from the bitterness, and she doesn't have an elder brother to go and fight instead of the old father. So Mulan decides to disguised herself as a man to join the army for her father. Hua Mulan has been highly respected as a filial model by the Chinese people for hundreds of years, even though it is unknown whether the story has any factual basis. In 1998her

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story was adapted into an animated cartoon by Disney of the United States, and the cartoon was very popular all over the world.

1.替父从军:可译为join the army for her father即可,不必直译为take the place of her father and join the army 2.英雄:由于花木兰是女性,所以最好译为heroine,而不用hero

3.不能经受奔波劳苦:翻译为could not bear suffering from the bitterness 其中“经受”用动词bear表达,“奔波劳苦”用名词bitterness表达即可,没必要字对字翻译。

4.把自己乔装成男子:翻译为disguise herself as a man,动词disguise意为“乔装,化妆;伪装”。

5.深受中国人的尊敬:翻译为be highly respected by the Chinese people, 其中highly为副词,表示“高度地,极其,非常” 6.改编成了:翻译为be adapted into

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